The Spartanburg County 50+ generation creates a community promoting independence, healthy choices, active learning, effective engagement and a lively social network.

Spartanburg County will retain and attract retirees with an integrated system of service and active involvement to engage the 50+ generation in identifying, designing programs for and providing information to the changing needs of new and current seniors.

Spartanburg Aging Well Center Site Coordinators:
Debi Brown
Timken Community Center
Ellen Davison
Middle Tyger Community Center
Nolandi Greeff
Boiling Springs Community Park
Kristie Gunterman
Woodruff Leisure Center
Dorothy Thomas
Chesnee Community Center
Brandon Ortiz
T.K Gregg Community Center
Linda Perteet
T.W. Edwards Community Center
Kim Billman
Landrum Train Depot
Board of Directors
The Fifty Upstate Board of Directors includes the following community leaders:
Tom Barnet, Vice Chair
Community Volunteer
Bill Robinson, Treasurer
Gosnell Menard Robinson & Infante CPAs, PA
Julia Lyons, Secretary
Retiree/Human Resources Consultant
Jeff Berline
All About Care SC
Terry Cash
Caman Group, Inc.
Grant Close
Nexsen Pruet, LLP
Jim Crook
The Crook Insurance Agency, LLC
Audrey Hailstock
Community Volunteer
Katherine O’Neill
The Palladian Group and ELYSIAN
John Poole
Carolina Alliance Bank
Stephanie Rainey
Rainey & Brown, PA
Alonzo Thompson
City of Spartanburg